Back in the routine

It was hard waking up this morning, although I got out of bed faster than right before Spring Break. I need to get to school a little earlier tomorrow morning to make sure I'm reading for taking on some responsibilities in the classroom. I'll soon find out how I do with Kindergarten. I love kids. I loved my third grade class, and I'm already getting attached to the kindergarteners. I'm not really sure which I like better. Right now I would say third, but that's cause I have spent more time with them. I just need to wait.

At our team meeting today the teachers were very helpful. I was sharing my frustration with not knowing how much work goes into getting a job. Then we started talking about portfolios, which I don't have one. So on top of filling out online applications I need to start putting a portfolio together. Which this probably means going home some weekend and getting the things for that which I left at home. Maybe one weekend Tim will be so kind to spend a Friday night in Texarkana so I don't have to make the trip on my own and then if he is even sweeter he can help me with the technical photo album part of my portfolio with making a scrapbook of me with my student teaching experience. So much to do, and I'm afraid I won't have time or the energy. Now is the time to let God's strength shine through my weaknesses.


  1. What do I know about scrapbooking? Maybe if you wanna put it online, then I can help, but if you're doing it with paper, sissors and glue, you're just gonna have to tell me what you want and I'll do my best feeble attempt.

  2. A scrapbook like what you did for my Christmas present. A digital scrapbook that I can print and put in my portfolio.