It's been a While

Well, Tim has been in the Ukraine for almost a week now and gets back Saturday. We've gotten to email back and forth twice now.

Last week I went with the youth group from my dad's church to Port Arthur to work with Partners in Missions to do Hurricane Rita relief. I learned how to re-roof a house and had fun doing it! I love watching the youth work so hard, cooperate, and then worship at night.

I ended up turning down my 5th grade classroom offer. I have an interview Thursday for a 3rd grade classroom. I am still wanting to wait until the school I student taught at starts interviewing for their 4th grade position and see if I can get on there.

The last day of the mission trip Brianne met us at Joe's Crab Shack and I spent the night with her then we drove home Saturday. She has been up here hanging out, which I have had a blast! I wanted to take advantage of this time to hang out with her before the wedding. Brianne will be coming up early for all the wedding events also. I'm excited she will be here for me to lean on and to help out with everything.

Good news! I passed my ESL test! So now I need to renew my certification already and add that on there. I was so excited to get my email saying I passed. I also got mine and Tim's wedding bands in the mail this morning. I am so excited about that too.

Tim will be coming out here Sunday after church so we can go get our marriage license on Monday. The wedding is so close! The closer it gets the more I'm finding out that there are more things to do.

I can't wait to see him. When he gets back in the states we will have gone 12 days without talking. I can't wait t hear his voice!