Smoothie Sensation

Ice cream use to be on our grocery list every week. We've been trying to eat healthier, but still crave a sweet cold treat. We've been mixing yogurt and fresh fruit with whatever else a recipe might call for, but usually having to substitute for something else we have. Some have turned out okay, some could be better, and some have been pretty good. I think we've had a smoothie every night this week. Tim has been experimenting most of the time, but tonight was my turn. I made an Apple-Blueberry smoothie. I've been craving that combination for a few days now. I found a recipe online and then had to tweak it a little because of some items we didn't have, but we had something close.

It called for the same amount of yogurt and apples so I used the yogurt cup to measure with. Instead of vanilla yogurt we had blueberry yogurt. Then instead of fresh apples I used apple sauce. So I did one yogurt cup of blueberry yogurt, one yogurt cup of apple sauce, a few fresh blueberries, half a yogurt cup of milk, and 4 ice cubes. It turned out pretty good. A little too much blueberry, I could've done without the fresh ones. Towards the end I was able to taste the apples more.