Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention

Tim and I are leaving at 6am tomorrow morning for Austin. We will be joining thousands of youth workers all over the states to dive into a full blown weekend of seminars and worship to not only equip ourselves to better serve our youth, but to replenish ourselves. This way we can come back and implement what we learn.

Tim and I had given up on the idea to go to NYWC a while back. Our youth budget was cut tremendously so we couldn't afford to make the trip on what money was available for the convention. This week Tim decided to see if any of the youth pastors on a forum he gets on had any extra tickets for NYWC. Well, the president of Youth Specialties, MarkO saw Tim's p

ost on the forum and emailed Tim asking if he paid our way for the convention would we still be able to go.

Right after Tim got the email we both checked with work if we were able to go, and God worked through everything! I was able to get off tomorrow and Monday, so we can go to most of the convention. It started today if you paid the extra cost to get the early bird seminars. I am really looking forward to what Tim and I are going to learn this weekend. I assume it's huge since God worked such a miracle for us to come. Crazy!

Tim will be blogging throughout the weekend if you want to keep up with what we're doing.


  1. Yeah! We will have to meet up Sat before the first general session!