Happy Birthday to Me!
Connor, Davis, Amanda, Tim, Dana, Amanda, Mark
I turned 24 today! Woohoo! I had a good birthday. Parts of it were hard, such as being homesick for being away from my family...but Tim was great. He even decorated the house for me! We have streamers and balloons all over our living room and I even had a crown to wear. :)
I also got a few calls from people in the church with birthday wishes, and talking to family was great. I also got non-stop text messages from facebook with all my birthday wishes from people on there. My phone's battery died early tonight with all the excitement, so I need to plug it in. :)
We had Amanda and Connor and Davis and Bria over and Amanda and Mark over for dinner. We had Papa John's pizza and DQ ice cream cake...which we have a lot left over of. It was great, just sweet....and I like ice cream, but I don't eat it much. :)
Then all of us played Mad Gab; boys against girls...and the girls did an overwhelmingly great job at it. Then we played Taboo and the boys were harder competition.
I have really enjoyed this whole birthday weekend. It was nice getting to hang out with Tim's siblings, and our new friends here in town.
Now I'm exhausted and ready to go to sleep.
Thursday and Friday I am substitute teaching for a 1st grade teacher. I'm really excited. I've been getting more calls from the district lately. Praise the Lord!Davis helping me blow out my candles.
Connor taught us a new way of cleaning our socks...
Or just a fun way to play with fire. :)
Posted in: birthday, family, friends, marriage on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at at 9:36 PM
Wow! cool photos of the birthday bash! Wishing you a very happy birthday Dana. I can see that you had a great party with great food and ice-creams. I cannot imagine birthdays without some great ice cream treats.
I love you! Happy Birthday!