My Girls are so Fun!
Small Groups on Wednesday was a blast. We're trying to keep things mixed up so every week doesn't become boring when we meet. Yesterday we talked about the miracles Jesus performed and the girls had the choice to either act out a miracle or act as news reporters and do the news paper based on a miracle. We had 2 groups of 2 and one group of 3. Turns out they all did the miracle of Jesus casting out the demon Legion and sending it into the herd of pigs. It was neat to see all of their interpretations.
We also gave our girls the choice of how to do the next few Wednesdays before Christmas. We don't have any weeks for us to just meet and hang out together, so the girls decided to do 2 sessions for next week and bump everything up a week and the week before Christmas we'll do our own Christmas party in our room on Wednesday. The girls are so excited to get started planning on who will do what. I told them to wait 'til next week and we'll have them sign up for things so they have a week to think about it.
I didn't get a subbing job yesterday or today. Pretty bummed, and then school is out tomorrow. So I just worked a half day on Tuesday when we got back, I'm glad I took that position! So all day long I sewed and sewed and sewed. I'm having fun, but my back is hurting, and I'm afraid I'm gonna get pretty bored when my projects are done, but they've gotta be done before the holidays. I set everything up in front of the TV since Tim was at work I didn't want to sit in silence in our room by the garage. I'm trying to get everything done pretty quickly so I can clean up the living room.
Posted in: ministry, sewing on Thursday, November 08, 2007 at at 4:38 PM