Happy 21st Birthday Grandpa!
Today my Grandpa turns 21! It is so fun to say that he is younger than me. In fact, we were 20 years old in the same year. That was a very special year! I think I've told everyone I've come in contact about that my Grandpa's birthday is today. It's not very often that I can say that.
Thank you for being a godly example to all of us. I love looking at the Wayman family pictures and knowing that you have raised us all to find faith in Jesus Christ and making that faith our own. I have so many memories of visiting G'pa and G'ma's house. I think some of my favorite would include every trip out to the farm, especially the fishing we would do. I also loved it when we would go digging for salt crystals and bring them back, wash them off and be in awe of what we found. Thank you for what you have made our family into. I love you lots!
DanaTexarkana, TX
Tim and I staying with Grandpa and Grandma as we move to Minnesota.
Grandpa and his sons with a few of his grandkids at the farm.
Most of the Wayman clan.
Posted in: on Friday, February 29, 2008 at at 4:59 AM