We're Moving!

Tim accepted a full time youth pastor position in Minnesota. I'm really excited for all that God has in store for us, and I'm excited to see Tim be able to do youth ministry full time. We'll be moving far away from my family, but we'll be closer to parts of Tim's family than we are to mine right now. Our last day here will be Feb 11th, moving sometime during Valentine's Day week.

We are pretty busy until we move, but still trying to see everyone we can. We saw Tim's old room-mate on New Years and then went and saw my Aunt Melinda. This week I'll be staying with Katelin, and then Brianne is coming up to the area next weekend. I can't wait!

We have a few church activities before we leave to. I'm sad to move, but know that God has something incredible in store for us. And I'm ready to move and have a rental home for a year while we decide where we want to purchase our first house. And we'll get to unpack all of our wedding gifts and enjoy them! It'll be like having our wedding shower all over!


  1. Congrats! I read the news on Tim's blog, which I read regularly. MN is really a fantastic place to live. I grew up about 2 hours north of where you are heading. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. What's the name of your church in MN??? I have a 6th grader in my Girls in Action Missions group who's family is getting relocated there in January. Praying for you as you say your goodbye's and new Hello's in MN!!!! God is in control!!!
    Love ya,

  3. Dana and Tim...
    We are ready to welcome you with open arms and lots of snow! Vrommm Vroommm, is that Tim's new snowmobile reving up?? :)

    Seriously, you are both in my prayers and in the prayers of your many new friends who await your move to Alexandria! Pastor John made such a wonderful announcement about your acceptance of the congregational call to you. Who knew God would work in our lives the way only He could do!!
