Fruit of the Spirit series

Galatians 5:22-23
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

John 15:4-5
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is served from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.


I want to thank everyone for commenting back and emailing me about the last post I did. This afternoon on the bus was rough, and it was nice to come home to encouragement.

I have quite a bit to say about the Fruit of the Spirit and my thoughts on my spiritual life right now, but on Word it's about 2 pages long, so I figured I'd break it up. Today you get the verses.

I absolutely love Galatians 5:22-23. I did a study on these and am constantly wondering if people can see them in my life. It is late though and I have an early morning. I'll post more another day.


Where have they gone?

I am constantly surprised by the lack of morals I see around me, especially working in the public school system. We're supposed to correct student's language if we hear something not appropriate. But then when I go into the staff lounge I hear bad language in there! How does someone teach another morals if they do not follow it for themself? What is even more frustrating is that I am slowly learning of the people who go to our church and they are the ones with the foul language. I would love to hear more pastors stand up and be convicting of the ways we live our lives. I know I'm not perfect and there are things I need to work on, so bring it on. Sometimes we need a wake up call and someone to point things out before we realize that we have been in a rut and need to get out.

My biggest shock was last week with the pre-schoolers on the bus. There are 3 brothers whose dad lets them watch the Chucky movie. I've never seen it, I believe it came out when I was in elementary school, and there was no way I was allowed to watch it. The boys are constantly talking about that movie and told me that they learned how to flip someone off because of that movie. So we talked about how that is not good to do, and at least they understood that.

Why does it seem that morals have really declined? More and more things are becomming acceptable and it makes me scared and sick. Is it just not important anymore or is less and less getting passed down in families from generation to generation. I think my family has done a good job at passing down good morals and I am proud of that. Tim and I have struggled with teaching morals in our own church with people I guess not even thinking about things. I don't know if it's 'cause I grew up in the South and we both grew up in conservative homes or what.

Tim and I have talked about this a few times since school started up this Fall. Do we not have kids for fear that they will be influenced by the lack of morals around us? Or do we have kids and raise them up as followers of Christ and pray that God will use them to influence those around them?

Spirit Week

This week is Spirit Week at the high school. Today was jersey/hat day. I was nervous walking in wearing my Schmoyer jersey wondering if I got the right day. I was glad to see people wearing jerseys, but the first few people I saw were dressed in jerseys that went along with the school colors. When I got to the classroom I help in the other teachers in there were in jerseys that didn't go along with the school, so that made me feel better.

Tomorrow is camo day. I have some actual camo pants that my Mom got me in high school for my drama class when we were doing lip syncing. The group I was in did a song by the Spice Girls and I was Scary Spice. That's a whole other story, but I had a lot of fun with it! Anyways, before I left the school today I made sure I took a good look at the poster on the wall to make sure that I'll be wearing camo on the correct day 'cause that would totally embarass me if I wore it on the wrong day.

Update on my calorie counting. Tomorrow is my one week personal weigh in. When I started...okay I'm not gonna share my actual weight...sorry (I almost did!). But I weighed myself this morning and right now I'm 6lbs lighter than I was Tuesday evening last week. That's a lot of pounds to loose in one week, so I think this is just a huge kickstart with my body trying to get use to less food and more activity. I feel a whole lot better. Now I just need to get more sleep. I've been hooked on Free Cell and Solitaire lately.

Self control has been huge for me this week. We have brownies sitting on our counter right now from Tim going to small group tonight. They look great, but I haven't touched it, just admired. I've worked out my calories to have one tomorrow, if I don't want popcorn or icecream instead. One stinkin' 2x2 brownie piece is over 200 calories! I could actually have popcorn and icecream instead of one brownie. Hmmm. Depends on how much I want chocolate. I found my self control bracelet. I have a couple Fruits of the Spirit bracelets, and I think it's time to wear my self control. I almost ate a bite of cake in the teacher's lounge today after school with it sitting for whoever to take and no one in the room. Luckily I didn't have time before getting on the bus to leave.

Day 3 doing okay

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is day 3 of counting calories. Today was my splurge day. I actually ate 1600 calories, and burned 600 exercising. The worst of these 3 days, but it was the one time for Tim and I to go out to eat. Who knew nachos were so bad for you! :) We ate at Bennigans and split a 12oz steak and the Southwestern Sampler. It actually kinda made me sick after watching very carefully what I've been eating for just a couple days. I'm glad we ate then went exercising 'cause I feel a lot better now. Tim was a good sport to do the cardio of my workout with me. Okay, he actually fussed a LOT! But, he still did it with me.

I've completed 3 weeks working at the high school. It's still going well. Some days are better than others and it all depends on the student's moods. We have to feel out how they're doing each day and some each hour to know how to deal with some of them. Please keep these kids in your prayers. I pray for them every day. I didn't exactly enjoy high school, and to be on this side watching kids go through it is interesting, especially the ones that don't know Christ.

Pray for me. My biggest thing for the year is to stay committed and on track with teaching 2nd grade Sunday school, 9th grade confirmation, and doing the 40 Days of Purpose small group. Also pray that this weekend wont be tempting being home and around food all day. It's been easy at school 'cause I just don't take much food, and I'm forced to follow my meal plan that way.


Today was my first attempt ever to count calories. I'm using It has most foods in it's system so you choose what you ate or what you will eat and it'll calculate pretty much everything for you. Today I entered things as I ate to see how many calories I had left. While at school I was estimating what I thought I ate and ended up eating my alotted 1200 calories of the day in only breakfast and lunch. Then when I got home I noticed I messed up on my cereal this morning, and ended up being 500 calories off, giving me calories to use for dinner and a snack of popcorn after small group!

I already went through and entered in what I'll eat tomorrow, and I have it worked out to eat a snack after each meal, so I'll get to eat 6 times a day, which is ideal. I'm kinda excited to see how I follow this, and really not looking forward to it at the same time. I'm wanting to quickly finish this so I can go to sleep and put off eating for the night 'cause I'm still hungry.

My Dad has been a huge encouragement with me wanting to be healthy. He is able to limit himself and have amazing self control. Right now, I am really struggling with that. Tim can tell you, I was so whiny about being hungry! :)

This website also sets up a workout schedule for you of what different activities and days you choose. That looks like it should work really well. I'm mainly just nervous about the food part because I really like to eat!

Hurricane Ike

I am so glad that the hurricane is over and to know that Jon is okay, and so is my friend Brianne. Brianne stuck around because her dad needed to help out with things, so she took cover with her family, not wanting to evacuate without her dad.

And last night Jon had up his live video stream online. There wasn't a whole lot to see, so Jon made it entertaining with using a chatroom and sound. Tim and I went to the high school football game yesterday, well at least the first half, then came home 'cause I was cold, and we're not too wild about football. So right when we got home we got online with Jon and stayed on until 12:30pm when his electricity went out.

Dad has been keeping me updated today by email on Jon, which is really nice. Jon should be getting to my parents before midnight tonight. That is comforting to know, and surprising he found a way out. Last I heard from Brianne was at 7am this morning letting me know they were still getting bad weather. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her.

I didn't get to sleep until about 1am this morning and still couldn't get my mind off of the storm. I had to wake up early to make it to my massage appointment I set. (That was such a nice time!) I'm glad I had it this morning to get me off of the computer to stop watching all the disaster photage. Then from 3pm-9pm I hung out with 2 of my small group girls going to the annual Grape Stomp festival. And when I got home, I was back online watching disaster photage.

I am exhausted and heading off to bed. We're going to the 8:30 service tomorrow, then I'm teaching one of the four 2nd grade Sunday school classes.

God's life, not mine

Double rainbow outside our house today. If you look closely you can see the second one above the bright one. I took it with my camera phone, so it's not that great.

Sunday was the kick-off for our church's 40 Days of Purpose revisited. This will be my first time to go through 40 days of purpose. The sermon Sunday really got me excited about this. On Tuesdays Tim and I will be leading a small group at our house to do an in depth study of 40 days of purpose. There are lots of small groups in our church going on probably every night of the week all over town for everyone to get plugged in.

Pastor John's sermon Sunday really touched on something I was talking to God about a few weeks ago. When Tim and I signed up to lead a small group for 40 days of purpose I was willing, but kind of frustrated because this means another Bible study that I am suppose to lead/help lead. Kind of a funny thing to get frustrated with right? Here's my schedule starting full blown next week: Sunday morning - teach 2nd grade Sunday School. Sunday evening - help out with Senior high youth group, Tuesday evening - co-teach 40 days of Purpose adult small group, Wednesday evening - co-teach The Journey (Confirmation with my awesome 9th grade girls).

Looking at and thinking about that schedule kind of overwhelms me, and a few weeks ago when I was starting to get stressed over that schedule God kind of knocked me in the head and straightened me out. I was thinking that I was taking on way too much and I wouldn't have time for other things that I want to do, giving time to myself. Then all of a sudden God told me, "What are you doing? You are not here for yourself, I put you here, and you are here for me. To serve and to teach others about me." What a wake up call!

I was really wanting to go to an adult Sunday School class to get fed, but when I asked Tim if I could bow out of helping with the junior high I really felt a passion to help teach a children's class. And on Sunday during service John spoke a little on Hebrews 5:12, "You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food." I know that now in my walk with Christ that I learn so much more when I spend the time with God preparing to teach others what He teaches me. I was just wanting to be lazy.

And then I started to stress about finding a job the closer we got to going to Virginia for Glory's wedding because I wanted something to start right when I got back. And God delivered! I started at the high school the day we got back. I was kind of bummed that I'm only working 30 hours, not 40 a week, but again...this is not my life, it's God's. Working 30 versus 40 is great for my ministry schedule. This leaves me not only with energy when I get home to still take care of the house, but it is a great schedule for youth group, and giving me energy to spend preparing Bible study lessons.


In my new school shirt on Friday before going in to work.

I am really enjoying my work schedule. I go in at 10am and am done at 4:30pm. It's not many hours, but it will be good for me not to work a full time job. For instance...Friday I was tired during the day, but when I got home I was in the mood to clean. That is amazing all in it's self. So this weekend I spent quite a few hours cleaning the house. I got all 3 of our bathrooms clean and disinfected. And I got a new shower curtain and window curtain for our basement bathroom. That bathroom kind of becomes neglected because it is used the least amount of time, and seen the least by company. But, when we have company spend the night that is the main bathroom they use. After spending the week in Virginia with Tim's family I got motivated to get in the basement bathroom and make it nicer. I want to apologize to everyone who has had to use that bathroom while here and us not taking more pride in it. Come again and it'll be much better!

I also vacuumed and dusted the whole basement, dusted and vacuumed the main floor and cleaned the kitchen really nice! Now tomorrow hopefully I'll still have this cleaning energy and tackle our bedroom. We've been good at keeping our kitchen clean a couple weeks in a row now which has been so nice! Now we need to learn how to do that with our bedroom.

Change of Schedule

My schedule is really different now for school, but I still like it. Now all day I am in one classroom, which means no aquaculture class, and I have one student I give most of my attention to in the last 2 classes of the day.

I went in to the district office this morning and also got my lunch break figured out for the day. I will start at 10am each day and be done at 4:30. I am at the high school from 10-2:30 with an unpaid half hour lunch, which apparently is common? And then from 2:30-4:30 is my bus route.

I'm kinda bummed that I'm not in aqua culture 'cause I don't get a class with 2 really neat kids, but I do get to ride the bus with them which is nice. I was also kinda worried about the kid who was the attention of the punks the day before in class. I hope things went well and there wont be anymore problems. When I showed up this morning and was told about my new schedule it's because the other para that is in the class is working specifically with some of the students in there, so I was moved to a class without a para. They also told me that the teacher was impressed with me handling the boys yesterday and that he wanted me to stay instead, but that couldn't happen. I'll be praying for that class.

First Day of School

I started my first day of school today. I think this is the first time I've actually started at the beginning of the school year. Granted, today was actually the 2nd day of school, but that's close enough.

The Wedding was beautiful. Glory was gorgeous. And we had a wonderful time with Tim's side of the family. It was so much fun to get to play with Ruby, Noah and Ti. We had such a busy summer we didn't see our niece and nephews much. Hopefully within the next week I'll have the wedding pictures on my computer to post a few.

I was so incredibly nervous to start work today. The week after Tim and I moved to Minnesota I got a call from the high school principal about a para position they had open, so I went and tried it for 2 days, and it was a total wrong fit for me. After that I didn't even choose to sub at the high school. I prayed and prayed and prayed about today. I really didn't want to try something out again that wouldn't work and be on the look for another job. And to my surprise I had a great day today!

I got to the school an hour early since I missed all the meetings before school since we were in Virginia. I had some paper work to fill out then needed to get my schedule and find out what I'd be doing. The principal briefly spoke to me, just long enough to bring me down to my special ed supervisor, who surprisingly is the special ed teacher that I loved working with when I subbed at one of the elementary schools last year. That completely started my day of on the right foot being so excited that I get to work with Paula! And...I am helping out in the ed support classes, which was my preference. I didn't want to go class to class following students around. The last class of the day I am in an elective class to help out students though. That was kind of interesting. I had to get on to some guys in the class that were teasing another student, which I do not tolerate at all. So in the middle of the class watching a video I called the guys out and fixed the problem. Come to find out, it's some of the guys on the wrestling team. I'll have to ask Tim if I can borrow his wrestling shirt to wear on Friday so we can hopefully get to know each other and they'll know I'm watching them and have an in with the coaches. :)

To end my days every day I have a 2 hour bus route, which is only 1 hour this week until the preschool starts up. I was nervous about that too 'cause I was thinking I'd be on a regular bus helping students out, but luckily, it's only for students with special needs, and they are so sweet! I am very glad I don't have any punks to deal with.

I am very pleased with the position I have. Tomorrow I go in for more paper work, and hopefully try to convince them that I need a lunch break in my 6 hour day. (Remind me, and I'll explain that later.) I completely failed at trusting God to put me in a good position that He knows I will be good at. But I am very thankful that He was faithful and did.

I would love to hear how God is working in y'alls lives right now!