Our First Sunday

Today was a good day. Tim and I went to all 3 services to be introduced...except cut out after our introduction in the 2nd service to make it to the Sr. high Sunday school class. We have met a lot of people in the church already before this morning, so I felt really at home with all of the familiar faces. Everyone has been so sweet and welcoming. I think we're gonna like it here.

There is a great couple in the church, Amanda and Connor, who are a year older than Tim and I, that we have been getting acquainted with. They are very sweet. They came and helped us unpack on Tuesday, and this morning they sat in front of us for church.

Tim and I came home for lunch, then I took a nap while Tim spent a couple hours playing Guild Wars. We were needing a relaxing day. We didn't do any kind of unpacking or settling in today which was nice.

Then tonight was Sr. high youth group. Pastor Rol came and spoke for the main part because of a recent situation that happened in town. So he was there to help the kids cope and in case they had any questions about the situation. It's been really nice to see Pastor Rol. Joyce hasn't been feeling too well, so we haven't seen her yet, but are really looking forward to it. Keep her in your prayers. I am meeting with the pastors' wives tomorrow morning so hopefully Joyce will be better by then so I can see her.

After youth group Connor invited us over to his and Amanda's house. It was very nice of them, and we appreciated it a lot. It's nice to have people our age to hang out with. They are a great couple, and we're looking forward to getting to know them even better.

Tomorrow is Tim's first day in the office. Pray for him as he starts his new position. I'm a little nervous because he is starting full time and I'm not sure how much I'll get to see him. I've been spoiled the last few months with him only working part time, and of the 6 months we've been married I only worked 3. I've enjoyed all the time we had together. I am grateful for that time that God gave us.