Plane Ride and Weather

Before we could head home yesterday we had to make a pit stop on the run way to be deiced. So just last December was the first time I've ever even see ice on a lake, let alone a whole entire frozen lake. And then this week I am introduced to planes being deiced. I didn't even know that ever happened!

The weather wasn't as bad in MN as we thought it would be. It was cold, but it was dry. Today running around town with Tim made me appreciate the weather in MN. It was rainy most of the day, which when you get wet, you get colder. And it takes a lot longer to warm up inside when you are wet. In MN it is so cold it is very dry. Even when snow is coming down it's dry.

We actually did get some snow/sleet today in Texas. It started coming down frozen on the way to the mall and continued 'til a little while after we left. Katelin called me tonight after her orchestra lessons super excited that they got snow too. Her class even let out early so they could all have a snow ball fight.

So far I have restrained myself from playing in the snow in MN. I think that's mainly 'cause I know I'll have plenty of chances to play. (And partially embarassed to let everyone in MN know how excited I am about all the snow they have...which isn't any to them.) I did throw a Texas snow ball at Tim today. :) I had a little pile of snow on my car which was a little wet, which helped it pack really well.


  1. Hello,
    You do not know me however, my husband Gregg Jacobs was reading your husband's blog. I then started to read your blog this morning and I noticed that you are moving to Alexandria, MN. I just wanted to share with you that MN is an amazing place. My husband and I lived there for 8 years in Minneapolis and travelled to Alexandria for 8 years because there in Alexandria is the Assembly of God youth camp "Lake Geneva". We have so many fond memories of MN and I know that you will love it. I do remember that my first winter there (we moved there from MI) was a rather cold one. We were going to our winter youth retreat in Alexandria and that particular weekend was a rather chilly one. With the wind chill the temp. was -70 degrees. NO JOKING!!!!!!! It was chilly. I don't want to discourage you since you are from TX. You will have the most amazing time in MN and if you are in the center of God's will for you guys, you will have an amazing time there! All the best.
    With fond memories of MN,
    Kyra Jacobs (Pittsburgh, PA)

  2. Kyra,
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm looking forward to the day when we have a huge snow fall. Tim's brothers and their wives have been very helpful when trying to figure out what is the best winter clothing to get for the weather. I'm about to go out today and see what kind of sales I can find.
    It's actually a little white outside here. But it doesn't feel nearly as cold! :)

  3. Too bad your snowball aim is horrible! :P

  4. Hey, I was straight on and even aimed low, I just didn't think you could duck down that far!